Post Concert Indian Meal

Breaking Bread International meals


I seem to be blogging backwards here….  I started with the most recent Monday night dinner, but wanted to review a few from the past.

April 28th, 2014:

After having just performed 2 shows of Passion and Peace with Pax Christi Chorale, featuring True North Brass, our season is over and MondayNightDining can be a more relaxed affair for a few months.  No time constraints, except bedtime and a larger choice of venues.  This week it’s off to Steph’s house, for an Indian Dinner.  Shawn and I prepped on Sunday and I did not realize how out of control we were getting until I attempted to lift the cooler.  Instead of going to the gym, I should just lift that thing in the mornings.  Guests tonight are Jake and Mathew, two recent graduates, one of whom sang beside me for my big debut! While we got the food ready for the table, the two young men discussed business ideas. I think they really have something there.

The dinner menu was

1) Ginger Cauliflower Soup
2) tandoori chicken and shrimp
3) royal lamb korma
3) eggplant in the pickling style ( baignan achari)
3) creamy peas
4) naan
5) Indian spiced creme brûlée

Most of these recipes were from Madhur Jaffrey and the flavours were amazing. Even with the number of “eaters” at the table, we still managed to have some leftovers.

Now for the entertainment….  Mathew, Shawn and Steph taking turns on piano, with Shawn singing. Now to change it up….  Give Mathew a violin (slightly out of turn), I’ll try flute… no recorder and let’s give Jake several recorders before finding him a harp.  It turns out everyone can play but me.  To quote Steph “Delicious eating, intriguing conversation, and very lousy music jamming. The perfect evening.”  Need I say more?


Sari, I'll just wear my Shalwar Kameez
Sari, I’ll just wear my Shalwar Kameez

3 thoughts on “Post Concert Indian Meal

  1. My favourite dish in this meal was, oddly enough, the eggplant. A basically boring vegetable transformed into something creamy, delicately spiced and delicious. I’ve decide to plant Aubergine in my small city garden – I know it tends to take up a lot of space and needs full sun, so it may be a challenge, but I’m gonna give it a go.

  2. I have to also record the Jake took the harp home with him. As he walked away into the windy street, we could hear the harp singing all on its own, coaxed into song by the evening breeze.

  3. Honestly one of the best meals I have ever had. These boys know how to cook and torch a Creme Brulee.

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