I’m not called uncle maple for nothing….

Breaking Bread

We are now just over a week away from the Pax Christi Chorale Black and White Venetian Gala.  Do you want to know how I know that???  It’s because our apartment is packed with Gala décor.  One end if filled with boxes.  In front of our bookcase is a small forest of topiaries.  The bedroom has more boxes, and we have taken over the cupboard under the stairs, to store the wine and the rest of the décor. If you are near Toronto on March 7th, the Columbus Centre is the place to be. With the place in such disarray, Shawn will only allow certain guests over, in case we give them the wrong impression, but this week our dear friend Brian had a meeting cancelled and was available for dinner. Almost as exciting, he is bringing wine! Tonight’s guests are our trio and Brian (I just have to move some décor, so he can sit….  We started with a lovely Shrimp Bisque.  This is a luxurious dish, with a hint of Cayenne on the finish, but the trick is in sautéing and simmering the shrimp shells, to add depth and flavour to the soup.  This is one to serve, when you want to impress someone special.

For our main Shawn started to prep on Saturday morning, before I was even up. Oxtails are kind of a unsung hero in the cooking world. We think of it as a cheaper cut, but with patient preparation, the flavours are wonderful and rich.  The oxtails were marinated with Carrots, onions, celery roots and other aromatics…. and of course a bold red wine.  The next day the oxtails are seared and braised in the marinating concoction for 4 hours, until it is falling off the bone. The oxtails were removed for the bone and the liquid boiled down for a sauce.  This was server as a Parmentier, a bit of a take on shepherd’s pie, with celery root puree, and roasted golden beets

The flavour that comes from meat on the bone, with the marrow, just can’t be beat. The idea for dessert came from NMJ requesting one of her favorite desserts.  The original recipe calls for a sauce made from Southern Comfort, but we have Sortilege in the cupboard…  I think we just came up with a thing… The dessert was Croissant Banana Bread Pudding with Sortilege Sauce.  For those not in the know, Sortilege is a combination of Canadian Whiskey and Maple Syrup, in a liqueur. I don’t know if I will ever go back to Southern Comfort.  AAAHHHH maple, is there anything you can’t make better?

Although I love rehearsals, this is one of those weeks that we could have just stayed home and had a little sing song around the piano.  But then again, we have the music director with us, so off to rehearsal we go, to work on the tricky bits of Parry’s Judith. Friends gathered with oxtails and Maple Syrup, then singing beautiful music together….  It’s too bad that everyone doesn’t have the chance to do this….

2 thoughts on “I’m not called uncle maple for nothing….

  1. That shrimp bisque was just the ticket for a cold Monday night in February. Our next dinner will be in March! Hopefully that month will go out like a lamb, and we’ll see some signs of Spring : ) Looking forward to the big Gala on Saturday night. I am lucky enough to be wearing a gown (on loan) from Rosemarie Umetsu!

    1. I agree about the bisque! Perfect for the weather, rich and savoury -ideal for special occasions, and in this case meticulously prepared! The oxtail was also sublime -can’t beat the long-term braising in a bold wine. Speaking of special occasions and fine wine, the Saturday gala is indeed not to be missed. We’ve seen the care going into the preparations – and now an extra incentive: a viewing of the Umetsu gown!

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