Here’s to 2014!

Breaking Bread

These pictures represent the first real blog post that we wrote, for our Cinco de Mayo meal, and the last post of the  year.  Looking back at the early posts,  I feel like going back and fixing them, but they show that we have relaxed into the idea of putting thoughts and memories out to share with people. It also shows that Shawn was right when he suggested that we needed a better camera. We also read up on food photography, on the plane on our trip to the UK and the photography steadily improved.

Since May, when we started to blog, we have done 33 posts, 20 recipe pages, made over 120 dishes, cooked Moroccan, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Mexican, Indian and French cuisine, and have over 100 comments (plus many more on Facebook and Twitter). I just did a quick count and we have fed 50 different people since the blog started and some of them multiple times.

What started out as reaching a hand out to a friend, has taken on a life of its own. But what we said in our first blog post remains true today “What I have come to realize is that it’s not really about the food…  Shocking!!!  It’s about spending time with people you care about, meeting new people and breaking bread together.” The people we have met through this process, and possibly more importantly the people that we already knew, but through breaking bread together, have gotten to know better, has made this process worth the effort for us.  We have been honoured to sing through new pieces of music (a highlight for me), seen new business ideas take shape, and witnessed the planning for choirs tours, fund-raisers and performances.

We have discovered some hidden talents: Jake can play harp, and harps can sing by themselves. We now know that half of the people we know have a connection to the ukulele, and Julia and Jo-ann can teach it. Norman is a brilliant story-teller (and spooky too). Jennifer not only plays piano, but has her ARCT.  Steph seems to be able to play any instrument that is put in front of her. The ugly stick can accompany any type of music, and many more…

We have come up against some unusual allergies, like eggs, pepper, glutens and mustard, sometimes after we had prepped a meal containing these ingredients. Most importantly we have found many things to set of fire, some of them even on purpose!!!

We asked for Steph’s input on our end of year post and I would like to post a quote:

Thanks so much for keeping the blog!

I have learned so much through our Monday night dinners, not just about food, but also about craftsmanship, attention to detail and thoughtful preparation. You and Dave put so much of your heart and soul into our dinners – each meal requires imagination, creativity and research.

Hunting down those rare ingredients and experimenting with new things is an expression of your adventurous spirit. The preparation is something like a chess game – you consider every move in advance to achieve the desired outcome. Your approach to cooking takes real dedication, and a lot of time and effort. But I’ve learned from your example that spending time on something you care about offers up its own reward. Being able to consume the results of your labours is pretty good too!

Of course gathering around the table and sharing food and drink and stories is the ultimate goal of Monday night dinner. We have shared our board with so many great guests. I’m looking forward to 2015 and many more memorable gatherings.

Inspiration for Monday Night Dining comes from many different places. Sometimes it’s ingredients, sometimes it’s a theme or idea,  something you saw on the cooking channel, or a new cookbook. Most of our inspiration comes from people around us. Thinking of a guest and what might suit them. It has been a true pleasure for us, over this past year and all of the Monday night dinners before the blog started. Now to plan the next meal….  Oh and here are a few of my favorite photos from 2014, if you’ll excuse the gratuitous self promotion….

1 thought on “Here’s to 2014!

  1. Thanks for keeping up your amazing blog! It allows us to join your festivities in spirit… Looking forward to seeing everyone in May and experiencing a Monday Night Dinner! Happy New Year – and Happy Feasting!

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